Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Yarn (3) - Clothing (0)

I have come to the conclusion that I have a problem. It is a secret, nagging, growing slowly, not really recognizable until you look at my closet, problem. This is my problem: I am addicted to feeling, squishing, viewing and ultimately buying yarn. Maybe you have this problem, too. I just bought more sock yarn from the Loopy Ewe. I don't really need the yarn. In fact, I have many skeins of similar yarn at home. But rather than purchase clothing for myself, I bought the yarn. I reacted to the colors and what I imagine to be texture. I am full of anticipation - looking forward to opening the box to add the new purchase to my collection. As I write this, I look down at my clothing. I need to update. I need to not cram my slowly growing wider body into these pants any more. But you know, I saw the yarn online and all of this just kind of fell by the wayside. I'll wear the current pants a few more months. I'll not look too closely into the mirror. I'll not look too closely at how lopsided my closet it. Yarn (3) - Clothing (0). Thankfully, it is soon to be summer. Full body attire will be optional. P.

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