Today is Emily's birthday. The day that she turns 18. The day that she is recognized as an adult. I am filled with so many different emotions. I suspect that she is too. On this day, 18 years ago, my life changed forever. Emily's rich, beautiful personality entered into my life. One woman who admired Emily during our first outing together said that it would be a "total love affair." She was right. It has been and it is.
I write today not as a "goodbye" to Emily, but as a "thank you" and a "hello." Emily, thank you for pulling me from within myself. Time and time again, you reached out and got me to focus on something that was not within me. Time and time again, you pulled me to be part of what you were doing. You communicate with me, you share with me and you trust me. I have felt this from the start and have benefited from it more than I can tell you. Thank you for your humor during periods where there was not much to laugh about. Thank you for the love that you give to your brother and the care that you have always taken of him. Thank you for realizing that family has many different forms and for welcoming Mike into your life. Thank you for your compassion and the respect that you show to others in your life.
And, hello my Emily. Hello to you as an adult. As you reach out for what life has to offer you, your insight and intelligence will serve you well. You will have experiences that will separate you from me and others, but you will also have experiences that illustrate our commonalities. Have fun, keep your core within easy reach, and know that my love for you will not falter. I will be here for you if and when needed.
Happy 18th birthday. Love, Mom