Friday, May 25, 2007

Knitting Olympics

Is knitting a sport? Should there be a knitting olympics? I think so. I would enter the marathon. My body sure would fit the profile. Skinny fingers, muscly forearms, weak eyes, reader glasses ridge on my nose, spreading hips, and somewhat curved spine. I am in it for the long haul this weekend. Better stock up on some Gator Aid and sports gel. Wouldn't want to dehydrate.

I want to make great headway on my latest lace project and finish an RPM sock. I would also like to start a vest with a pattern by Amy E. Anderson. It is called "Tilling the Soil." I bought some half-price (!!) yarn at The Sow's Ear the other day. It is a merino, alpaca blend. Sort of a heathery purple.

The niece and nephew are coming to stay Sat. night. Should be fun. The weather is wonderful. P.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Yarn (3) - Clothing (0)

I have come to the conclusion that I have a problem. It is a secret, nagging, growing slowly, not really recognizable until you look at my closet, problem. This is my problem: I am addicted to feeling, squishing, viewing and ultimately buying yarn. Maybe you have this problem, too. I just bought more sock yarn from the Loopy Ewe. I don't really need the yarn. In fact, I have many skeins of similar yarn at home. But rather than purchase clothing for myself, I bought the yarn. I reacted to the colors and what I imagine to be texture. I am full of anticipation - looking forward to opening the box to add the new purchase to my collection. As I write this, I look down at my clothing. I need to update. I need to not cram my slowly growing wider body into these pants any more. But you know, I saw the yarn online and all of this just kind of fell by the wayside. I'll wear the current pants a few more months. I'll not look too closely into the mirror. I'll not look too closely at how lopsided my closet it. Yarn (3) - Clothing (0). Thankfully, it is soon to be summer. Full body attire will be optional. P.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Lots of Projects Going On

I have been knitting and knitting, but giving away most of what I have knit. I can't post many pictures because I gave the project away before being able to take any! I knit socks with yarn from the Loopy Ewe ( I think that the yarn was Claudia Hand Painted Yarn and was in the earth colorway(?). It had a lot of purples in it. My law partner and I put together a basket for a local charity's raffle and the socks+ other basket items went to the highest bidder.

I knit socks from the spring IK 2007 (the light purple ones - very pretty). They were given to my husband's sister-in-law (does that mean she is also my sister- in- law?) to celebrate her 25th wedding anniversary. I also knit socks for her husband, my brother-in-law, that were made from a pattern posted on the Cider Moon website ( The pattern was free! Their yarn is totally lovely. I am using the Lost colorway in Flurry to knit socks for myself. The pattern that I am using is RPM from I want to work out the bugs before I make a pair for my sock exchange friend.

I also knit a shawl for my Mother as a Mother's Day present. The pattern was from Susan Lawrence and is called "Forrest Canopy." It worked out well and was my first ever lace project. I used some alpaca wool that I had in my stash and stretched my project in my son's bedroom. He was horrified, but he is rarely ever in there and it seemed to make good sense at the time. I guess that I will have to find someplace different next time.

In addition to the Lost colorway socks, I am working on a shawl from Hazel Carter called "Violets by the River." I bought it from The Sow's Ear ( and am using wool from my latest yarn crawl through Minneapolis. The yarn is a merino/silk lace weight blend and is from Creative Fibers in Minneapolis, MN.

So you see, there has been a lot going on. What have you been up to? P.